This is the “Bass Ackwards” Retail Profitability Game
It’s bass-ackwards because you start off with telling your business how much you are taking from it instead of your business telling you how many crumbs ($) are left for you!
This game is best “played” on a laptop or desktop. If you use a mobile device you’ll probably get frustrated. These results are too important for you and your business for you to blow off this knowledge of your chosen profession (retail) IMHO.
Double click in each GREEN cell to add data.
1. Start with entering how much you’d like your salary to be.
2. Add the expenses (projected or real) by clicking once in the applicable green cells and press “enter” on your keyboard after each entry. NOTE: Some mobile devices require you to double-tap in each cell to bring up the keyboard to enter values.
3. You’ll find your breakeven point for sales at the price markup you’ve defined and the sales needed to pay for your expenses and to achieve the salary you want.
4. If you mistakenly erase any formula in the blue cells… just refresh the page. Don’t get frustrated: Keep at it until you can see what your business needs in sales for you to stay in business.