shortcode heaven

triple traffic webinar shortcodes

Webinar info
Webinar Title: Triple Traffic Challenge
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”global_webinar_title”]

Webinar Host Name: Doede Barth
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”global_host_name”]

Webinar Giveaway section content:

My thank-you gifts to you for attending this Webinar:

Get 1/2 off on any one of my 3 tiers of coaching for yourself… up to a $3997 value
Get up to $1000 CASH when a business you’ve referred to me purchases one of my 3 tiers of support of major event coaching programs at full price. (You must email me with the name(s) of who you are referring BEFORE they register for the webinar. Not valid after 30 days from their purchase or if they are refunded their purchase. Ask for more specific details to get properly credited.)
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”global_webinar_giveaway”]

Lead info
Lead info could be only get after registration. So you should not use shortcodes below it on registration pages.

Lead Name: John Doe
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”global_lead_name”]

Lead Email: [email protected]
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”global_lead_email”]

Select Registration page template
— select page –802 – 100 Little Details Brand320 – 100 Percent Guarantee536 – 3 Tier Pricing582 – Approved Appointment461 – Bass Ackwards184 – Buy Now1816 – Bye Bye588 – Cancelled Appointment594 – Cannot Reject Appointment1596 – Confirm915 – Congratulations584 – Denied Appointment984 – Download 57351 – Earnings Disclaimer2096 – hero112 – Let’s Talk1534 – Mint Mail Opt-in Confirmation1535 – Mint Mail Preference1536 – Mint Mail Unsubscribe Confirmation1957 – Monthly Projections2108 – new1901 – open stripe payment2054 – Power Session1746 – pre training 11873 – pre training 21882 – pre training 31889 – pre training 41893 – pre training 53 – Privacy Policy1985 – Profit Sheet2113 – registration592 – Rejected Appointment87 – Return Policy860 – Save Your Seat1729 – submit 4 seat71 – Support Page66 – Terms And Conditions281 – Thank You1388 – too bad590 – Too Late To Cancel Appointment1733 – triple thank you1711 – triple traffic2132 – triple traffic 08141997 – Triple Traffic Webinar Replay1953 – triple-traffic-webinar
select page to see preview URL
Available shortcodes
This shortcode display webinar banner image
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”reg_banner”]

Main headline
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”reg_main_headline”]

CTA Area – Video / Image Settings
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”reg_video_area”]

Sales Copy Headline: Get Crowds To Come To Your Store – Whenever You Want – At The Snap Of Your Fingers!
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”reg_sales_headline”]

Main Sales Copy


SNAP! Let’s get you any income you want, what sales per day it will take, which expenses you need to watch or chop, what mark-ups are required, and where your inventory levels need to be to do it – all within the next 50 minutes and tailored EXACTLY to your store RIGHT NOW!
SNAP! Let’s Talk one-on-one and discuss exact actions to create a customer buying paradise with your current inventory and by spending as little as $100 to do it
SNAP! Let’s accurately Project Your Sales for ANY NEXT MONTH!
SNAP! Let’s Talk and set up simple & CHEAP merchandising tricks that are so IRRESISTIBLE that 89% of customers coming in will BUY
SNAP! Let’s map the EXACT ACTIONS for you to take home $50K, $100K, $250K even $1 Million in your business – yearly
SNAP! Then, Let’s Talk and map out the actions we need to step by step ACHIEVE THOSE GOALS!
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”reg_sales_copy”]

Registration form
This shortcode will show optin section with webinar dates selection and registration form together in one column
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”reg_optin_section”]

If you need to show dates selection and registration form in different page blocks, you need to use both shortcodes below

Webinar dates selection
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”reg_optin_dates”]

Optin form fields
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”reg_optin_form”]

If you want to show dates selection and optin fields without heading, you can use compact views below
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”reg_optin_dates_compact”]
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”reg_optin_form_compact”]

Select Thank You page template

— select page —

select page to see preview URL
Available shortcodes
Main Headline and Ticket Sub Headline:

Congratulations! You’ve made it IN and are all signed up ready to go!
Check your email for FREE GIFTS that give you a QUICK START ASAP!
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”ty_headline”]

Thank You Message Area – Copy / Video / Image Settings
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”ty_video_area”]

Live webinar URL Section
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”ty_webinar_url”]

Inline Live webinar URL
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”ty_webinar_url_inline”]

You can use Google caland Outlook cal reminder separately using shortcodes below
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”ty_calendar_reminder_google_inline”]
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”ty_calendar_reminder_outlook_inline”]

SMS Reminder section with headlines
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”ty_sms_reminder”]

Just SMS Reminder form
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”ty_sms_reminder_compact”]

Share Gift section
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”ty_share_gift”]

Share Gift section without headings
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”ty_share_gift_compact”]

Selected Date / Time
Selected Date / Time section
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”ty_ticket_date”]

InlineSelected Date
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”ty_date_inline”]

InlineSelected Time
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”ty_time_inline”]

Webinar title section / inline
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”ty_ticket_webinar”]
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”ty_ticket_webinar_inline”]

Webinar host name section / inline
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”ty_ticket_host”]
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”ty_ticket_host_inline”]

Countdown section
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”ty_countdown”]

Select Webinar page template

— select page —

select page to see preview URL
Available shortcodes
Webinar video and Call To Actions section together
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”webinar_video_cta”]

If you need to show video and Call To Actions sections separately, you can use two shortcodes below.
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”webinar_video”]
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”webinar_cta”]

Webinar Info Copy Block
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”webinar_info”]

Give Away Block, including block Title and Content
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”webinar_giveaway”]

Q&A section including section headings
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”webinar_qa”]

Q&A form without any headings
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”webinar_qa_compact”]

Select Webinar Countdown page template

— select page —

select page to see preview URL
Available shortcodes
This shortcode displays the webinar banner image
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”countdown_main_headline”]

Countdown Headline
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”countdown_headline”]

You Are Trying To View A Webinar That hasn’t Started Yet! – It Starts Soon!
The Triple Traffic Challenge Webinar Starts Soon

Countdown Counter
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”countdown_counter”]
Select Webinar Replay page template

— select page —

select page to see preview URL
Available shortcodes
This shortcode display webinar banner image
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”replay_main_headline”]

Replay video
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”replay_video”]

Replay Call To Action section
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”replay_cta”]

Webinar Info Copy Block
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”replay_info”]

Give Away Block, including block Title and Content
[wi_webinar_block id=”11″ block=”replay_giveaway”]

100 Percent Guarantee | Earnings Disclaimer
Return Policy | Support
Terms and Conditions